Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Candidate Dating Game

My Match?

John McCain ? _______Mike Huckabee?________Chris Dodd??

The NPR web site has a link to four “candidates matching sites.” Each site has a series of questions that you answer and then the site tells you which candidate’s position most closely matches your position. I took all four of the quizzes.

On the Minnesota Public Radio Select a Candidate site I scored an 80% with John McCain, followed by a 50% match with Ron Paul and a 40% with Barack Obama.

According to the Glassbooth Election Quiz, I agree with John McCain 79% of the time which makes him my closest match.

In the Washington Post Choose Your Candidate quiz not all candidates are lumped in the same poll, so I took the Republican version of the quiz and my top choice was Mike Huckabee, followed by John McCain.

On the USA Today Poll my choices were Chris Dodd, followed by Hillary Clinton, and Mike Gravel.

I don’t know exactly what to make of this. I am supporting Fred Thompson, but apparently I seldom agree with him. He was not my match in any of the polls.

The quizzes my not rate highly enough the negatives of a candidate. John McCain was my closest match on two of the quizzes and the runner up on another. I like John McCain but when he said he would have supported the invasion of Iraq even if he did not believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that was reason enough to disqualify him in my view. Despite Mike Huckabee’s being my match on one of the polls, the big negative for Huckabee is his fundamentalist religious views. I am not comfortable with a candidate who wants to ensure the Constitution conforms to God’s law.

I am really surprised that I am most compatible with Chris Dodd, followed by Hillary Clinton and Mike Gravel! What? That is not the Rod Williams I know.

The quizzes do not rate candidates on your judgment of such things as the candidate’s temperament, experience, intelligence, and judgment or the intangible of just "likability".

Let me encourage you to take the quizzes and see if you are really a match with the candidate you are supporting. Leave a comment on this blog. I would be curious if others are surprised by the result. Did the quiz select the candidate you are supporting?

To go to the NPR site and take the quizzes, click the title of this post.

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1 comment:

  1. First off, great title. I took the quizes, here's how I scored:

    1) Ron Paul- 23, Thompson-20, Kucinich- 6

    2) Paul - 60, Thompson- 28, McCain- 10

    3) Paul (1), Thompson (2), Kucinich (3)

    4) Paul- 70, Gravel- 65, Kucinich- 64

    Some comments on the tests:

    I am not surprised that Ron Paul is who I matched up best with, I support almost all of his positions, and they differ from those of the other Republican candidates in almost all cases. I think that the quiz from the Washington post allowed for the best matching, because you were given the opportunity to see the entire position on an issue, but it also allowed for more bias when answering. The other polls leave a lot of room for error when asking do you oppose or support, etc, because its hard to quantify your answer in some cases.

    I am glad I took the Washington Post poll, because it allowed me to read a lot of the positions of the other Republican candidates, and I didn't realize that I agree with Thompson's position on several issues.
