Saturday, February 09, 2008

Crazy People Should Not be Allowed to Purchase Guns.

More Mentally Ill Barred from Guy Buying
USA Today
— A federal list of mentally ill people barred from buying guns has doubled in size since the Virginia Tech shootings, and U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey encouraged more states Thursday to add information to the database.

In his first policy speech since taking over as attorney general early this month, Mukasey said stepped up reporting by states has added information about 393,957 mentally ill people to the federal database used to screen the backgrounds of potential gun-buyers. In July, three months after the Virginia Tech shootings, the database had 174,863 names.

"Instant background checks are essential to keeping guns out of the wrong hands, while still protecting the privacy of our citizens," Mukasey said. Link

Gun Play
Bredesen blasé about lunatics buying firear
by Jeff Woods

The annual low comedy that is the Tennessee legislature is well under way, and the shenanigans again this year include bills letting supposedly law-abiding citizens carry pistols into saloons, state parks and all sorts of other new places. The Second Amendment is paramount at the Capitol, which behaves like an adjunct of the National Rifle Association. No one mentions the inconvenient truth that any of these thousands of Tennesseans exercising their right to go strapped could have been wearing a straitjacket in a mental institution a few hours earlier.

Yes, even lunatics apparently have the right to buy firearms in Tennessee. Almost 10 months after the massacre at Virginia Tech, where the young killer could buy guns even though he had been found mentally unsound, no action has been taken in Tennessee to prevent such a tragedy here. Link

Folsom Prison Blues
By Johnny Cash

When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son,
always be a good boy, don´t ever play with guns.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die
now every time I hear that whistle I hang my head and cry..

Comment: Crazy people should not be allowed to purchase guns.

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