Blighted. That could very well be one of the most powerful words in America today.
It strikes terror in the hearts of those on the receiving end of it. It's wielded like a sword by power-crazed municipalities. Its interpretation is widely subjective, and those who are the first to utter it often own the power of its definition.
That sword is being wielded against a Music Row business of a quarter century that just happens to be sitting in the way of a Houston developer who wants to build a hotel/condo complex on the Music Row Roundabout.
To read the rest of the above article click the title.
What is happening in Nashville is an outrage. I agree wholeheartedly with Phil Valentine when he says, "This whole notion of taking someone's property just because you think it can be used in a better manner runs contrary to every principle we hold near and dear as Americans."
Our newly elected mayor could stop this. We have a forty member metro council. Any one of them could speak up for private property rights and try to stop it. If a council member was not able to stop it, he could at least make the Council go on record and this would allow us to know who does and who does not, believe in private property rights.
I am a pragmatist and do feel there are times when use of eminent domain is necessary. Sometimes we need to widen roads or take property to build a school. Sometimes, it may even be necessary for slum and blight clearance, but it should be used very sparingly. The property discussed in this article is not blighted! It is simply in the way of a private developer who wants it.
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