The Washington Times, Editorial, Friday, October 10, 2008 - The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, better known as ACORN, is under investigation by state and federal authorities for its voter registration drives. Allegations are that ACORN's get-out-the-vote efforts have produced thousands of fraudulent registrations. The probes are encouraging; America wouldn't be in position to criticize other nations of ballot-stuffing if it permits the same at home. What's most encouraging, though, is that House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio is calling for ACORN to be defunded. "The latest allegations of voter registration fraud by ACORN are further evidence that this group cannot be trusted with another dollar of the taxpayers' money," he said.
ACORN helped make the term "affordable housing" a Washington staple. So as the roots of the financial crisis are laid bare, take a hard look at ACORN. (Read More)
ACORN members should be aggressively prosecuted for the massive fraudulent voter registrations they have conducted and all federal funding for the organization should immediately be suspended. The IRS should investigate the organization to determine if they have violated the terms of their tax except status. They should be investigated to see if they violated the RICO Act. This organization is a threat to our democracy and the concept of fair and honest elections. Obama's ties to this corrupt organization is alarming.
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