Wednesday, December 10, 2008

NBC Edits ‘Saturday Night Live’ Sketch

By Brian Stelter, New York Times, Oct 8, 2008

NBC has taken the unusual step of editing the online video version of a “Saturday Night Live” skit.

Two characters in a sketch about the Congressional bailout are no longer labeled “people who should be shot” in the revised version of the video, which was posted online Tuesday night. Those two characters represented actual people, Herb and Marion Sandler, who sold subprime loans to Wachovia. (link)

I had forgotten part of the orginal skit! The version I show in the post below has more of the orginal skit than that showing on YouTube and other sites now, but it is not complete. It edits out the offending portion about Wachovia.

This reminds me of how the old Soviet Union used to retouch official photos to remove the images out-of-favor former leaders.

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