Monday, April 06, 2009

Nashville Tax Day Tea Party

Party like it is 1776!

When: 12 noon Wednesday, April 15
Where: Downtown Nashville, Legislative Plaza
Who: Everyone who is concerned about high taxes, trillion dollar deficits, and the loss of individual freedom.
Speakers: Radio talk show host Phil Valentine and Steve Gill and other special guests.

Join me at the party! Come one; come all. Bring your family, friends and neighbors and bring your signs and help send a message to Washington! Stop the reckless spending! Stop the power grab!

Here is a facebook page for more information on the Nashville Tax Day Tea Party: Nashville Tax Day Tea Party

Here is a link to the National Tax Day Tea Party: National Tax Day Tea Party

Already confirmed are over 500 Tea Parties around the nation on April 15th. If you live in Tennessee and can’t make it to Nashville, there may be one already planned in your community. If not, it is not too late to plan one.

For the location of the Tea Party closest to you anywhere in America go to the National site above and click on your state.

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