Thursday, June 11, 2009

Barney Frank Intervens to Save GM in Massachusetts

Barney Frank

If a General Motors auto dealership closed in your city, or if a General Motors plant closed in your state, do not assume it is due to a rational economic business decision. It is not because someone made an objective, rational, and transparent decision, but because your congressman is not as powerful as Barney Frank.

This from the Wall Street Journal:

President Obama may have "no interest" in running General Motors, as he averred Monday. But even if that's true, we are already discovering that he shares Washington with 535 Members of Congress, many of whom have other ideas.

The latest self-appointed car czar is Massachusetts's own Barney Frank, who intervened this week to save a GM distribution center in Norton, Mass. The warehouse, which employs some 90 people, was slated for closure by the end of the year under GM's restructuring plan. But Mr. Frank put in a call to GM CEO Fritz Henderson and secured a new lease on life for the facility. [full article]
This is the future of Government Motors, where politics rather than markets determine who works and who doesn't and who gets a dealerships and who doesn't. That is the nature of a command economy as opposed to a market economy. In a command economy, those with influence pick winners and losers. Welcome to the future of America. I am totally disgusted but hardly surprised. Is this the change Americans wanted? It is what they got.

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1 comment:

  1. AS long as these clowns need to worry about getting re-elected, they will do what is in their best interest, rather than the country's.
    Sadly, the foxes are in charge of this hen-house. It's not going to change until we get term limits.
    This is a disgrace.
