Monday, June 15, 2009

Prejean says her beliefs got her fired

Carrie PrejeanPosted on Jun 11, 2009 by Staff, Baptist Press

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (BP)--One month after being allowed to keep her crown, Carrie Prejean was fired Wednesday by the Miss California USA pageant, with both sides in the dispute disagreeing over the reasons.[full article]


I support Ms Prejean. I applaud her for standing up for traditional marriage. It was refreshing to see someone speak her mind instead of bowing to politically correctness. It is refreshing to see a God-fearing young woman stand up for traditional moral values. It is just wrong that she was stripped of her crown. (Did I say "stripped"?) I feel sorry for her. I would like to put my arm around her and comfort her for the cruel way she has been mistreated.

Since this controversy erupted she has become a Christian celebrity appeared on Focus on the Family and appearing at the Gospel Music Association Dove Awards here in Nashville where she got a standing ovation and she has made appearances at other pro-family and Christian events. She has been praised in the religious press. She is the kind of poster child the religious right needs.

I can’t help but be amused by the whole thing. I love to see puritanical prudish Baptist defending a pin-up babe. Politics makes strange bedfellows. (Did I say "bedfellows"?)

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  1. I don't assume she was fired for her statements about her belief in straight-only marriage, even though she did say she was glad we live in a country that offers people a choice of opposite marriage.

    The Miss USA organization has strict rules about appearances by their title holders, and as they stated, her title was removed as she was not living up to her contractual agreements for the title. The group went on record:

    < "This was a decision based solely on contract violations including Ms. Prejean's unwillingness to make appearances on behalf of the Miss California USA organization," executive director Keith Lewis said in a statement sent to "After our press conference in New York we had hoped we would be able to forge a better working relationship. However, since that time it has become abundantly clear that Carrie is unwilling to fulfill her obligations under our contract and work together."

    Even Trump, the real estate mogul who co-owns the Miss USA organization and saved Prejean from losing her crown last month, did not stand in the way this time.

    "I told Carrie she needed to get back to work and honor her contract with the Miss California USA Organization and I gave her the opportunity to do so," Trump said in the statement. "Unfortunately it just doesn't look like it is going to happen and I offered Keith my full support in making this decision...." >

    Just because she took some heat from some groups about her views doesn't mean that was why she was fired.

    The entire pageant system is very concerned with image when it comes to how the title holders conduct themselves and they are verrrrry demanding of their time and appearances. My brother was very involved in producing some pageants on a local level and has first hand knowledge of the rules and contractual obligations the title holders have, just for the County and State Levels.

    But then, I have never known a person who was fired who said "Oh yeah, I totally deserved that! They didn't set me up, or try to make me look bad, or anything. It was all my fault and they did the right thing, even though it makes me look bad."

    Of course she blames the controversy around her statements and views. That makes HER the victim, instead of a self-serving, disrespectful, non-committed beauty queen who couldn't hold up her end of the agreement....

  2. I must concur with Robert. For I have no doubt that her activism was a real pain for The Donald, but the real reason why she was fired was because of her repeated failures to meet contractual obligations.

    By the way, yes, you did indeed say both "stripped" and "bedfellows." (Just trying to be of as much help as possible.)

  3. I like Carrie Prejean and support her - just like every Conservative Republican.

    However, I want to comfort and embrace her and wipe her tears. I want to hold her and caress her and .......
    Wait - just like every horny Conservative Republican.

  4. She said she already had doubts about the vague causes of her termination and she suspected it was about her unpopular response to the pageant. I think so too. The unpopular response she stated was such seen as not "democratic" when all she did was also based on democracy---her freedom to speak. America is so "confused" now because of "democracy"---everything is now tolerable, acceptable and good in certain occasions, certain situations and certain times. When are we going back to the times that "right is right" and "wrong is wrong"?
    This certain event was similar to Miss Universe 2009 when our own Miss Philippines became 1st runner up instead of the winner because of her unpopular answer; to remain a virgin until her reign is over, and that it's not right to be pregnant while Miss Universe. Although she fumbled and clammed up , groping for the right words to say to make her point "acceptable", she feels that her answer was not right for popularity sake.
