Sunday, June 14, 2009

Top Ten Reasons David Letterman .....

David Letterman

Maybe I don't have a sense of humor, but I don't find jokes about raping 14 year old girls very funny.

Rush Limbaugh once made some unflattering remarks about Chelsey Clinton's appearance when she was about 14 years old, and the news media crucified him.

Don Imas made a comment about a Black women’s basketball team calling them “nappy-headed hoes” and was kicked off the air.

Letterman should go. I don’t expect it to happen. There is obviously a double standard. Letterman would not dare make a joke about the children of President Obama. Political correctness is a one-way street. Indignation is very selective. Feminist don’t care for women, only liberal women. Apparently it is OK to make jokes about the statutory rape of a 14-year-old girl by a 34-year-old male if that girl is white and the mother is a Republican.

Here are the top ten reasons David Letterman should be retired
From hillbuzz

(10) He is a demented, 62-year old pervert who thinks it’s funny to joke about a 14 year old being raped and forcibly impregnated.

(9) His show stopped being funny at least 15 years ago.

(8) He’s a pig who wears diapers.

(7) Living in a glass house where he refused to marry his girlfriend of many years despite fathering a son, Harry, with her, making the little boy a bastard for nearly 7 years, means this particular hypocrite shouldn’t throw stones at ANY family, for ANY reason, lest stones be deservedly thrown back at him.

(6) Where are the jokes about Sasha and Malia being raped by baseball players? Where are the jokes about dirty watermelon pickers and greasy chicken fryers instead of “slutty flight attendants”? If vulgar, sick racial jokes are never allowed, why are vulgar, sick misogynist ones? If the First Daughters of the United States are clearly off limits, why isn’t a First Daughter of the State of Alaska? Answer us that, Leftists.

(5) Would Letterman think it was funny if Conan O’Brien or some other Late Night jester joked about Letterman’s son Harry being raped at Little League? Where does Letterman draw the line, exactly, on whose children it’s funny to joke about being raped.

(4) What would CBS do if a rival network DARED air something as vulgar as (5) or (6) above?

(3) Calling him a pig who wears diapers is an insult to pigs, diapers, and pigs who wear diapers.

(2) How phallic is it that Letterman obsesses not just over rape, but of rape specifically by a large man with a giant bat? That pervert has serious Freudian, Oedipal, anger, bad hair, gruesome teeth, you name it issues.

(1) David Letterman has a teeny wiener.

Top Ten Reasons David Letterman should apologize
From Copacetic City

10. He's jealous because Arod didn't knock him up.

9. He confused being a jerk with being a clown.

8. Alzheimer's made him say it.

7. To keep from losing his fan.

6. Set an example for his great-grandson-I mean son.

5. He's giving gap-toothed, misogynistic pedophiles a bad name.

4. He's scaring little girls.

3. Was smoked up on crack when he said it.

2. He stole the joke from his brother, Satan.

1. It's the right thing to do.

Top 10 Reasons to Snub David Letterman
By Jack Engelhard

10. He’s not funny.

9. His jokes are written by 20 frat boys who have an IQ of 180 – combined.

8. His audience gets in for free – and even that’s paying too much.

7. On his best day he’s no Johnny Carson. Carson would never stoop for a laugh.

6. Letterman’s reference to Sarah Palin as “slutty” was an insult to all women.

5. Letterman’s routine on Monday took up the Palin family’s visit to New York, which included a trip to the ball park. Here’s Letterman in his own words: “During the seventh inning, her [Palin’s] daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez.” Todd Palin, the father, responded like this: “Any jokes about raping my 14-year-old daughter are despicable.”

4. A perverted crack like that, by Letterman, got on national TV. (Try that on Obama’s daughters, Dave, and see how quickly you get booted.)

3. But a quip like that against a 14-year-old girl would most likely require registration as a sex offender in my neighborhood.

2. Letterman and his staff of writers misunderstand the phrase – “Women and children first.”

1. On the pretense of contrition, Letterman denied that he was a “celebrity.” Now we know what he isn’t – and we know what he is.

Top 10 Reasons to Take Letterman Off the Air

10. He gives gapped-tooth people a bad name.

9. Main stream media will have to report on actual news instead of reporting on a Letterman monologue the next day.

8. He can concentrate on giving Barack Obama ad lib lessons without a teleprompter.

7. His writers can take a well needed hiatus to recover from obvious writers block.

6. The Ed Sullivan Theater will regain some dignity.

5. The audience will be spared the stooge test in order to be admitted to a show.

4. He can write new gaffes for Joe Biden.

3. He’ll have plenty of time to develop material for the next Democratic National Convention.

2. He’s just too old to be up that late at night.

1. Guests would rather be on Conan O’Brien

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  1. Enjoyed reading your blog! Keep up the good work! Clicked some ads for you.;)

  2. Thanks for going after Letterman the way he deserves being gone after. Check out my blog some day to see my daily photograph of David Letterman.

  3. Thanks Kasndria.
    Thanks Weston. Weston, I visited your blog, I love the pics of Letterman. Very funny.


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