Sunday, June 28, 2009

We now have a socialist gangster goverment.

Comment: Probably every one of us has an automobile dealer friend or someone who works for an auto dealer affected by the U.S. government high-jacking of General Motors. I have not seen confirmation of it yet in the press, but I have been told that Jim Reed Chevrolet had been ordered closed. Jim Reed has been a Chevy dealer for almost a hundred years here in Nashville. I never thought I would see the day when this could happen in America. No one is secure. Your company or the company you work for could be next. We are watching our freedom slip away.

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  1. It is important we speak up, otherwise they thik we agree.

  2. what does a company going under have to do with freedom slipping away? I am not making an opinion on what we should do about the car crisis(and that truly is a crisis, as opposed to the energy crisis(not)). But by our Gov't buying these car companies and supporting dealerships, THAT in reality is our freedom slipping away, because obviously the Free People do not want the product they make!! Of course, I am in healthcare and live a subsidized life myself.

  3. While I'm not that jazzed with the automotive industry in the States and here in Canada, I'm dismayed to see how banks are being let off with absolutely no oversight. Compared to what the banks have, are, and no doubt will continue to do, companies like GM and Ford are absolute saints. And you're right; the government isn't helping matters one bit.

  4. I believe in simplicity, and a hands-off government, so I question if the bailouts were necessary.

    But, given the public mood at the time, I can understand how the government feared people would panic if the large banks or auto companies failed and so many people were thrown out of work.

    Now my fear is that GM will become another quasi-government bureaucracy like the post office.

    Ideally, as the economy recovers, the government will start working its way out of GM and sell off its stake.

    Unless GM starts building cars people want to buy, I see them getting into trouble again - so I hope the government would sell its stake while it can.

    Then, when GM fails during a stronger economy, I hope they let it go under.
