Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Band-aid smells?

Frank Sutherland has topped himself again. In today's Tennessean "Wine in Nashville" Column, he described a 2004 Casas del Bosque Merlot this way:

Aroma: the aroma was strongly vegetal, with earth scents, Band-aid smells and lot
of alcohol.
Frank, that beats "Texas pink grapefruit" or "iodine" or "dusty tomato stems." Frank, you are speaking of the "band-aid" brand of adhesive bandage strips, right? Not some generic off-brand? I just wanted to be sure about that. Thanks for the review. Now I will know what to expect if I think about buying a bottle of 2004 Casas del Bosque Merlot.

Frank I have an idea for a future column. Why not contrast and compare all of the wines that have the aroma of band-aid smells? That would really be informative. I always enjoy your column.

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