Thursday, July 02, 2009

July 2, 2009 Nashville Patriotic Revival

Nashville Tea Party Nation

Time: July 2, 2009 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: Legislative Plaza
City/Town: Nashville
Event Type: rally
Organized By: Judson Phillips, Robert and Tami Kilmarx

Come kick off your July 4th weekend with a family friendly event in Downtown Nashville! We will have a pre-Tea Party mixer/meet and greet from 4 - 6 with music, at least 18 information booths and more. At 6 the Tea Party begins with Blue Collar Muse Ken Marrerro hosting, Ralph Bristol of Talk 99.7, Steve Gill of WLAC, Shaka L. A. Mitchell of TN Center for Policy Research, Laurie Cardozo Moore from Proclaiming Justice to the Nations and our Special Keynote Speaker, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson of Rev. Peterson is flying in from Los Angeles especially for this event and will speak to us about the dangers of Socialism in America. You won't want to miss this, so mark your calendars and bring your lawnchairs! This isn't just a tea party, this is a Tea Party Event and it is going to be BIG!!!!!

This sounds like fun. Come vent your frustration and connect with other activist.

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