Sunday, August 30, 2009

1st Tuesday Meetup: Party Chairman Chris Devaney

On Tuesday, SEPT 1ST, First Tuesday will have our first extended opportunity to hear from our new State Party Chairman, Chris Devaney.
For those of you who do not know Chris, he is a long time participant in the political arena, including being a leading staff member for Sen Fred Thompson and Sen Bob Corker.

1st Tuesday is a always a great event. Hear interesting speakers in a room with a view, have a nice meal for a reasonable price and network with other Republican. Park for free or cheap in the public garage beneath the library, which is less than a block away. Anyone is welcome to attend. The meeting is exactly one hour long, so you can attend and not be gone from work that long. Lunch is from Alexander's Catering and is $20 for guests, $15 for members. Membership in 1st Tueday is only $20 a year. If you are a Republican or a conservative and in the Nashville area, you really owe it to yourself to start attending 1st Tueday. Click this link to register: First Tuesday.

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