Saturday, August 15, 2009

John Mackey, My Hero of the Day

John Mackey

Outraged Left Calls for Boycott of Whole Foods

Where will the balding, pony-tailed, Birkenstock-wearing, upper middle class proletarian buy his tofu and organically grown, unbleached cotton, $27 pair of socks now?

Like the customers of Whole Foods, I am also quite surprised that the founder and CEO of Whole Foods is a person who quotes Margaret Thatcher and opposes socialized medicine. I admire his courage in taking a position that most likely counters that of most of his customers. By doing so, he may reach people who would otherwise never consider the merits of a view that counters their preconceived opinions. Unfortunately, it may cost him financially.

The left wing of the blogosphere has gone ballistic at being betrayed by one who they thought was one of their won. CounterPunch called for a boycott and essentially called John Mackey a murder when it said; “the problem with Mackey’s campaign is that it results in the deaths of 60 Americans every day due to lack of health insurance. Mackey is responsible for these deaths as much as anyone.” (read more)

Wow! I thought liberals disdained inflammatory language. Is this a call for an assassination? Is this hate speech? Pro-life advocates are soundly condemned by progressives when an abortionist, who thousands of times performed the procedure that terminated the lives of unborn babies, is called a murderer; yet, a grocer who opposes socialized medicine is accused of the death of 60 Americans a day! In a year that would make him responsible for 21,600 deaths! In the last ten years he is responsible for 216,000 deaths!

Daily Koz and hundreds of other lefty bloggers have joined the call for a boycott. A growing facebook page is devoted to the topic. Many of these vegetarians sound like they are so enraged they may commit violence. I know vegetarians have a reputation as peace loving harmless, sensitive people. Don’t buy it. Don’t forget; Hitler was a vegetarian.

For taking an unpopular stand, speaking the truth, risking financial loss, possibly risking his life, or possibly being hit with an overripe organically grown tomato, John Mackey is my Hero of the Day.

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  1. The incredibly blatant double-standards just boggle my mind!

  2. Where will the balding, pony-tailed, Birkenstock-wearing, upper middle class proletarian buy his tofu and organically grown, unbleached cotton, $27 pair of socks now?
    ---Hilarious stuff, but on a serious note, I’ll make a stop by a Whole Foods store and do some shopping just to lend some support. It seems Mackey is a man of character and principle.

  3. I am using your wonderful post on my site. (With full credit of course) If you have any objections, drop me a line, will remove immediately.
