Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Liberty on the Rocks to feature Motor Home Diaries

Motor Home Dairies

Liberty on the RocksNashville Liberty on the Rocks

Friday, August 28, 2009,Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Mafiaozas, Street: 2400 12th Avenue South
Nashville, TN

The Motorhome Diaries is the story of two friends who took to the road in April 2009 to search for freedom in America. Along the way, MARV (the Mobile Authority Resistance Vehicle), Jason and Pete meet individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds and viewpoints at college campuses, homes, businesses and organizations that are united by one thing: increasing individual freedom and responsibility and decreasing the scope of government.

Liberty on the Rocks is such a fun event! There is no opening prayer, no pledge, no treasurer's report, no reading of the minutes of the last meeting. There is no program and no agenda, no officers and no one in charge. For this upcoming event, we will be joined by the guys from Motor Home Diaries. This should be interesting.

I have attended several of the Liberty on the Rocks events and look forward to them. Attendance is usually about twenty to twenty-five people. It is on the patio at Mafiaoza's in the 12th Avenue South neighborhood. Mafiaoza's provides delicious hor'devers or pizza and you are responsible for your own drinks. The first hour is happy hour with two-for-one drinks. The group is diverse and ranges in age from those in their early 20's to those in their late 60's, and with everyone from students to blue collar workers to attorneys. The larger group usually ends up breaking into four or so smaller groups with people floating between the groups.
Right of center is still a pretty broad spectrum and interesting discussion and respectful but animated debate is the norm. If you are tired of hanging out with your liberal co-workers or family or people who never talk about anything of substance, come party with some smart like-minded people.

Liberty on the Rocks is an open group. Anyone can join and invite others to join.

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  1. Not quite correct (See my very first blog post) -
    Freedom = Drunk
    Liberty = Wagering

  2. Thanks for talking about Liberty on the Rocks. I took a quick look at the site, and suspect that my political viewpoints are a bit different than many people that go to Liberty on the Rocks.

    That said, it sounds like a great group. Any group that promotes "interesting discussion and respectful but animated debate" sounds pretty good in my book.
