Saturday, August 29, 2009

Report on the Motorhome Diaries

Adam Mueller, Rod Williams and Pete Eyre

Last night I had a great time at the Liberty on the Rocks event at Mafiaozo’s. I enjoyed good conversation, good food and drank two-for-one beers all evening.

At last nights event we were joined by three guys who are traveling around the country living in a small motorhome, visiting with various groups, speaking on college campuses, being interviewed on local radio and exploring America. They blog of their adventures and are creating a documentary about their experiences. They call this adventure “Motorhome Diaries.”

They had scheduled a visit to Nashville several months ago but had their plans changed and their schedule rearranged when arrested in Mississippi. They were stopped by a local sheriff’s deputy on the interstate because, at the time, the motorhome only had temporary tags. The Sheriff checked the vehicle registration and everything was in order. One of the men however was videotaping the event and the local deputy took offence and told him to stop taping. He didn’t. The deputy then decided to search the vehicle. Inside the refrigerator was one single beer. Jones County Mississippi is a dry county where even beer is illegal. All three were arrested and taken into custody for this violation of the law. You can read about it on their blog. They have to return for a trial soon.

They briefly spoke to the group about their adventures and political views, but mostly they just mingled and joined the conversations. We toured the very small motor home parked outside and had a group picture made. We “signed the guest book” by writing our names on the ceiling.

You would never want to meet three nicer young men. I am not of the same political persuasion as these guys. They are not “libertarian-leaning” or “libertarian Republicans;” they are pure libertarian. They are non-violent, gentle, utopian anarchists who simply think people should be left alone and get to keep the money they earn.

I don’t want to move to New Hampshire and abolish the State. I don’t think society can function on the basis of absolute individual autonomy and purely cooperative voluntary associations and exchanges. I accept that some liberties must be surrendered to the state in order for society to function. I consider myself a pragmatic mainstream Republican but I guess I am a libertarian “fellow traveler.” I am sympathetic to their point of view.

Motorhome diaries,Pete Eyre As long as we have people who advocate that the individual will must always be subordinated to the state for the common good, then for the sake of balance, we need people who make the moral argument for the cause of absolute liberty. I wish these guys well and I am glad they are out there advocating their position. Keep on Motoring.

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  1. Thanks for the kind words Rod and for helping to get MHD in front of more eyes. And though we don't agree on everything across the board as you pointed out, as long as we can have honest, open conversations like we had last night I think we'll get more folks to think for themselves and question the intervention in their lives by the State.

    Keep fighting the good fight here in TN!

  2. Thanks Pete, It was really nice meeting you guys. Enjoy your travels. Drive careful. Good luck in Jones county.
