Thursday, August 06, 2009

This mining will only boost profit, harm lands

By Kathleen Williams, The Tennessean, August 6, 2009

At the urging of an unscrupulous coal industry, miners from West Virginia and Kentucky have announced plans to boycott visits to Tennessee because Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., is sponsoring national legislation to keep them from blowing the tops off our mountains.

Sen. Alexander, on behalf of our ancient mountains, our irreplaceable water supply and the millions of people who treasure both, thank you for your willingness to stand up against the bullying tactics of the manipulative and desperate coal companies.[Read More]

Comment: As Kathleen says in this article, "If a handful of miners choose not to visit our state because we value our lands more than a dollar, that's OK. Let them stay home and enjoy their scarred half-mountains, run-off flooding, former creek beds and poisoned drinking water."

Kathleen Williams is my sister and is president of the Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation. I am proud of the work she is doing in preserving the natural treasures of Tennessee. I am also proud or our Senator Lamar Alexander who is a Republican conservationist in the tradition of Theodore Roosevelt. We must stop Mountain Top Removal.

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