Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Last of the Town Hall Cartoons

Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care

Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care

Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care
Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care
Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care

Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care

Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care
Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care

Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care
Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care

Town Hall meetings, Obamacare, Health Care

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  1. LOL! Great cartoons! I'm linking this on my blog!

  2. I like the one with Jefferson best. So true it's revolting. So to speak.

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