Saturday, September 05, 2009

Nashville, my town!

A lot of people live where they live because that is where their family lives and they want to stay close to their family or that is where they met their spouse and the spouse wants to stay close to his or her family. I understand that. Family is important.

Many people live where they live because that is where their employer transferred them or they got a job there right out of college or that is where opportunity in their career field is. Career is important.

Nashville, Ryman AuditoriumNashville, Lower BroadNashville, Park, mural

A lot of people are where they are because it is all they have every known and have nothing with which to compare it so they are satisfied. Others would like to move away but moving is scary. A lot of people would want to live near the ocean or in the mountains or in a big exciting city but don’t feel they can just up and go, so they stay where they are but would rather be somewhere else. I feel fortunate in that I am living exactly where I want to live. I love Nashville. I would not want to live anywhere else.

As the State capital this is where state news is made. As Music City USA the city hums with excitement. On any night of the week there are three or four songwriter nights in town. The honkytonks have band members playing for tips who may travel and play with big stars but who are between gigs or are taking time off the road for a while. They also have bands which are every bid as good as the greats but they never got that career break. You can hear world-class musician and performers play for free in Nashville any day of the week.

Go to any restaurant in Nashville and ask your waiter or waitress if he (or she) is a songwriter and there is about a fifty percent chance that that waiter or waitress is. Thousands of young people live in Nashville at any one time, trying to make it big as a songwriter or performer. Some of them do. Dreams are made and dreams are dashed here.

Ernest Tubb Record Shop, NashvilleNashville, Lower Broad, Legends
Legends, Nashville, Lower Broad

With over 20, four-year colleges and universities in and around Nashville, Nashville has the energy of a college town. Nashville has a diverse economy so it is not a “company” town, which I think makes it more interesting. There is a lot of ethnic diversity here, which I think adds to the charm of the city and there are lots of people who are transplants to Nashville which I also think makes the city more interesting. There is a diversity of people, dining and music in Nashville.

Nashville has over eighty art galleries and many aspiring artist and art schools adding another special vibe to the city. While Nashville is a city of strong neighborhoods, Nashville is still not so big that the city as a whole lacks identity. Despite the Nashville Metropolitan area having a population that exceeds one million people, in many ways Nashville still feels like a small town. Nashville is adequately cosmopolitan and has a special energy but also has a laid back relaxed feel and Southern charm.

Nashville, Lower Broad, LegendsTootsies, Lower Broad, NashvilleThe Stage, Lower Broad, Nashville

Robert's, Nashville, Lower Broad Hard Rock Cafe, Nashville, muralDan's, Nashville

Nashville has low taxes, is centrally located, and has a mild climate. We have a modest crime rate, a great park and greenway system, generally good race relations, a generally competant and honest government, professional sports teams, and a world-class Symphony and Symphony hall, as well as a ballet, and an opera, and live theater. Almost every weekend there is some neighborhood or music festival. That is not to say that we do not have our problems. Unfortunately our public school system is classified as "failing." The city is dragging its feet on school refrom, but we are working on it. Even while the public school system as a whole is underperforming, their are some exceptionally good public schools and one great magnet school and many good private schools.

Nashville is not only a great place to live but also a great city for a week long or long weekend visit. (Nashville Convention and Visitors Bureau) Come visit us.

Nashville, The Recording Angel,Schermerhorn SymphonyBirth of Apollo Fountain,Schermerhorn symphony Hall, NashvilleEpiscopal Church,Nashville

Today I rode my bicycle downtown and carried my camera and took some pictures. There is not a theme to these pictures. The pictures in this post are of the honkytonk area of lower Broadway, art, churches, murals and fountains and things that interested me on my bike ride today.

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  1. Nashville is a wonderful city... one that we love to visit :) Have a great weekend!

    A Lil Enchanted,

  2. Thank you for sharing. By the sounds of it I need to visit Nashville someday.

  3. More good stuff about Nashville:

    - Residents from other cities would moan with delight at the comparitive lack of traffic. Barring accidents, we have a rush hour that actually lasts an hour, and means you get held up an extra five or ten minutes.

    - There's nothing like the Parthenon anywhere else on Earth. It's the only full size replica. If you want to know what the original looked like, you'd do better here than Athens.

    - In many neighborhoods, people actually wave at you when you walk by on the street.

    - Our airport is ten minutes from downtown, but is still large and modern. We have a Southwest hub; you can get direct flights to most major cities.

    - This summer has been the lushest I've seen in at least fifteen years. You won't believe how green it is.

    - I live ten minutes south of downtown, and more than five miles inside the city limits. But I see wild turkeys and hawks in my yard, along with the occasional deer (not so good because they bring ticks). That's because I'm close to Radnor Lake, which is to my knowledge the only wildlife preserve within the city limits of any significant American city.

  4. Thanks Billy for adding to the list. I live in the Woodland in Waverly (8th ave & Wedgewood) neighborhood. This morning on my bike ride to work there where two rabbits in a neighbor’s yard. No deer where I am at, but lots of rabbits and squirrels and birds and now Coyotes. (Have not myself seen the coyotes but they are reported sightings)
    Every time I travel, I am thankful that the Air Port did not get relocated out of town. There was opposition to the expansion back in about 1980, and it could have happened. In many towns the airport is 40 or 50 miles from downtown.
