Monday, October 05, 2009

1st Tuesday Meetup: Mayor Karl Dean

MeetupMeetup Reminder: 1st Tuesday
Guest Speaker: Mayor Karl Dean
When: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 11:30 AM
Where: Waller Lansden, 511 Union St. Floor 27 , Nashville TN 37201

Do you love Karl Dean? Hate Karl Dean? Want to hear what he has to say?
Nashville faces a number of important issues these days. The proposed new Nashville Convention Center will cost $600,000,000 - [and that doesn't even include a hotel] -- but will certainly change the look of our city for generations to come. Our school system continues to make news -- a new Director -- and failing test scores. And like many communities, Nashville has a variety of concerns and opportunities facing our civic leaders. On Tuesday, OCTOBER 6th come hear and these and MANY other important topics first hand from the Nashville's Mayor Karl Dean. Our Q&A session ought to be one of the BEST ever. As usual, we will meet at the Law Offices of Waller/Lansden - 511 Union Street -27th floor. Lunch from Alexander's Catering will be available at 11:30AM and is $15 for members and $20 for guests. I think this lunch to sell out, so please RSVP. 1st Tuesday Meetup.

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