Thursday, October 29, 2009

Davidson County Republican Party Moves to Oust Vice Chairman

At its monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 27, The Davidson County Republican Party (DCRP) Executive Committee passed a motion to remove Matt Collins from his position as First Vice Chairman of the DCRP and his membership on the DCRP Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee’s motion for removal was “for cause” as defined in the Tennessee State Party’s Bylaws and specified by the committee as “conduct unfit for a member of this body.” Of the 21 voting members in attendance, 14 voted yes for the motion to remove Collins; five voted no and two abstained.

Collins was cited for behaviors not supportive of the Republican platform including unprofessional actions and words and use of his DCRP title when expressing personal opinions that were often “derogatory to and disrespectful of Republican candidates or elected officials.” It was noted that his personal stances were undermining the credibility of the local and State parties. Although Collins often included disclaimers on his personal statements that his comments were his own, the use of his title created an impression that he was speaking for the Republican party.

The vote for a motion to remove Collins from his position does not constitute immediate removal. A separate vote for removal would take place following a hearing at a later date.

Collins was elected First Vice Chair on Saturday, April 4, 2009 during the Davidson County Republican Party Convention.

Comment: The above was posted on the DCRP official website.

Davidson County GOP Moves To Oust Ron Paul-Supporting Vice Chair

By Kleinheider Posted on October 28, 2009 at 8:42 pm, Nashville Post

[Excerpt] Collins has had a tumultuous relationship with the party stemming from his associations with small “L” libertarian groups and the Ron Paul for President campaign. Collins was elected First Vice Chair of the party on April 4 of this year after losing a bid to become chairman of the party in a process that included a deadlocked March 7 election and a subsequent revote. (link)

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