Friday, October 16, 2009

Frank has been into the wine again.

Frank Sutherland

Frank Sutherland is a former newspaper reporter who began his career as a reporter at the Tennessean in 1963. Sutherland was editor of the paper from 1989 to 2004. He is now retired but writes a weekly wine review column for the paper called, “Wine in Nashville.” Everyone needs to find something to do when they retire. I always read and enjoy his column.

This week Frank reviewed Riojas wines. He had this to say about the aroma of the 2002 Camp Viejo Gran Reserve: “The bouquet included scent of ripe pear juice, sugar cane, prunes, artist clay and hits of ash.”

OK. I am buying the “scent of ripe pear juice,” the “sugar care,” and “prunes.” But, “artist clay?” Artist clay! I bet the only people who can identify the aroma of artist clay or clay artist. What does “artist clay” smell like?

Also, I am not so sure about the “hint of ash.” Is that coal ash or hickory ash, maple ash or oak ash? If it is oak ash, is that French oak or American oak? Help me Frank.

In the same article, after reviewing four different Riojas, he then reviews some other wines in the “Surfing the Wine Shelves” segment of his column. He had this to say about the 2008 Deep Sea Sauvignon Blanc: “This Monterey County wine had quite aromas of stone and herbs followed by clean flavors of pineapple, butter and lime.”

Now, what do we mean by “quite” aromas? Does that mean very subdued, hardly noticeable? I assume. Stone? What is the aroma of stone? I simply don’t know. I think I know what is meant by “minerally” on the palate, but aroma of stone? Which stone? And, “herbs?” Wow! Let me think about that. There are a lot of differnt herbs. Basil is an herb, but so is Annis, and Cilantro and so is Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. That is a lot of different aromas to choose from. So, what does it mean that the wine has aromas of herbs?

Anyway, Frank Sutherland is entertaining. I will keep reading.

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