Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gov. Bredesen Opposes ObamaCare

Breaking ranks with Democratic Party, he says costly plan hurts states

By Chas Sisk,THE TENNESSEAN, October 18, 2009

[excerpt] Responding to a request from Republican U.S. Sen. Bob Corker, the state's Democratic governor made a plea to consider the cost to states of the latest health-care proposal.

[excerpt] Bredesen estimates that the Senate Finance Committee bill that passed last week would cost Tennessee $735 million over five years once the plan is in place — and possibly more than $1 billion. Covering that cost would mean taking money from the budgets for education, the state pension and other aspects of state government that have been battered by the recession, Bredesen says. (read more)

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1 comment:

  1. What about the money Tennessee has lost over the years to state budget cuts so that we could increase our military budgets? How come the governors weren't protesting that?

    Under the Bush administration our military spending increased by 38%, while social programs were cut. We have spent over 900 billions dollars on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, with nothing to show for it. Pentagons budget for 2010 will be a over 700 billions dollars, and the wars will be extra.

    Would 900 billions for healthcare over the next 10 years be that wasteful and expensive when you think about that?

    I hope you are a disgruntled conservative, not just a disgruntled republican.
