Monday, October 26, 2009

Support wine sales in Tennessee retail food stores

The Tennessee General Assembly has created a special study committee to evaluate many of the state's liquor laws -- including selling wine in retail food stores. The 10-member committee will hold an organizational meeting and public hearing on Wednesday, Oct. 28. It's important the committee hear from as many of the 20,000 Red White and Food members as possible as they begin deliberating.

Please take a few minutes to contact each of the legislators below about your reasons for supporting wine in retail food stores. Your voice can influence this debate.


Chairman Curry Todd Phone (615) 741-1866
Rep. Charles SargentPhone (615) 741-6808
Rep. Harry TindellPhone (615) 741-2031

The hearing is open to the public if you are in Nashville and want to attend. Below is the time and location.

Joint Study Committee on Wine in Grocery Stores
Oct. 28, 2009 10 a.m. - Noon
Legislative Plaza Room 16

You can also watch the meeting live online. Go to and select the Live Video link in the right column. As always, Red White and Food will tweet from the hearing. Follow us at for updates.
New Political Action Committee
The campaign launched the Red White and Food Voters Political Action Committee (RWFPAC) several weeks ago. Thanks to our members who have made contributions to date.You can find much more information about the RWFPAC on our website. Please consider giving today -- even as little as $5 helps -- and tell your friends about the PAC. Thanks to everyone for all your support.

A toast to success,

Red White and Food Team

Comment: Maybe next year is the year we finally come out of the dark ages and be allowed to buy wine in the grocery store like civilized people. Maybe, just maybe, we can also modernize some of our other archaic alcoholic beverage laws.

Up until the 70's, the coalition of bootleggers and Baptist kept much of our state "dry." Now the coalition of Baptist and liquor lobbyist keep wine out of grocery stores.

While I would not let how a legislator votes on this single issue be the only factor in whether or not I supported a particular candidate for office, it will be an important factor. I might support a good Democrat who votes for wine in the grocery stores over a Republican who votes against it. This issue is primarily however a rural/urban issue more than a Democrat/Republican issue, yet in the past some legislators have clearly voted contrary to the wishes of their constituents. I hope some investigative reporter will follow the money and tell me who gets how much money from the liquor industry. I wonder how the good Baptist who praise their legislators for keeping wine out of the grocery store whould feel it they knew their legislator was receiving large contributions from the liquor industry.

We can't match the cash cow of the liquor industry, but I will be sending a contribution to RWFPAC and will be following this issue closely.

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