Sunday, November 01, 2009

1st Tuesday Meetup: Zach Wamp to be guest.


1st Tuesday is on 1st Monday but only for November!

Location: Waller Lansden, 511 Union St, Floor 27, Nashville

1st Tuesday is a always a great event. Hear interesting speakers in a room with a view, have a nice meal for a reasonable price and network with other Republican. Park cheap at 511 Union or free or cheap in the public garage beneath the library, which is less than a block away. Anyone is welcome to attend. The meeting is exactly one hour long, so you can attend and not be gone from work that long. Lunch is from Alexander's Catering and is $20 for guests, $15 for members. Membership in 1st Tuesday is only $20 a year. If you are a Republican or a conservative and in the Nashville area, you really owe it to yourself to start attending 1st Tuesday.

Come out and meet Zach Wamp and help his official kickoff of the gubernatorial campaign. See what his passion is, ask insightful questions, be attentive and get there early if you want a great meal. (link)

Zack WampWamp is an 8th term Republican Congressman from Tennessee 3rd District which is in East Tennessee and includes the city of Chattanooga. He serves on the House Appropriations Committee on the Energy and Water Subcommittee and as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs.

He has become a leader on national issues such as alternative energy, preventive health care and global security. He is the co-chairman of the House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus and the founder and co-chairman of the Congressional Fitness Caucus.

Zach was instrumental in forming the Tennessee Valley Technology Corridor which promotes a technology-based economic development agenda.

A Chattanooga native, Zach spent 12 years as a small businessman and commercial real estate broker before being elected to Congress.

For more information about Zack Wamp and his campaign for Governor visit ZackWamp

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