Monday, November 16, 2009

Fake Boobs for Jesus

Carrie Prejune

In a shocking new development in a scandal that has continued to plague 22-year-old beauty queen Carrie Pejune whose defense of traditional marriage led to a national controversy and conflict with pageant organizers, seven new sex tapes have allegedly surfaced, although the claim is not substantiated (link).

We do know for certain that one sex tape was made. She says she made it for her boy friend when she was only a teenager and says it was “the biggest mistake of my life.”

Since controversy erupted over her pro traditional marriage stance she has become the darling of the religious right appearing on religious television and radio programs such as Focus on the Family and has making personal appearances at Christian events such as The Gospel Music Awards show.

She was recently interviewed for Christianity Today, where she was asked to respond to those Christians who have spoken out against women participating in beauty pageants. She said, “I think you can be a Christian and compete in a pageant. I think you can be a Christian and be a model. It depends on how you act as that role, and if you remember who you are and you remember what you stand for and stay true to who you are, you can be in any job. Just don't compromise what you believe in.

OK. Does the Bible say anything about modesty? She addressed this issue more directly in her recent book, Still Standing. She writes, “God gave us our bodies, and it's perfectly right that we use them in ways where we can give glory to God by making our bodies, our temples of the Holy Spirit, strong and fast.”

OK. I guess I buy that. I get it. In the beauty pageants she was using her body “for the glory of God.” It looks like God gave her a good body to use. As it turns out, God did not do a perfect job and it has been revealed that she has fake boobs courtesy of the pageant. In the Christianity Today article she was asked if she ever wondered whether breast implants might be incompatible with her Christian faith? “No”, she replied, “I don't think there's anything wrong with getting breast implants as a Christian. I think it's a personal decision. I don't see anywhere in the Bible where it says you shouldn't get breast implants.”
Carrie Prejune, big fake titsAmen sister. I am sure God doesn’t mind you going from a B cup to a C cup. What do you think God thinks about women who go from a C cup to a EEE cup?
In all of this controversy, I sympathize with Miss Prejune. She did not ask for this controversy. I agree with her defense of traditional marriage. She was asked a question at the pageant and she answered honestly and ran up against the political correctness Nazis. I am on her side. In fact, I would love to hold and comfort her and say, “you poor baby.”

Also, I am not a prude. I do lust. I like looking at beautiful scantily clad women. I like going to nice parties where women show cleavage. I don’t apologize for it. I am culturally a Christian of course, but not a devout prudish Christian. I am more comfortable with “Christian lite” than I am fundamentalist Christianity. I prefer Christians who don't take there religion too seriously.
I just find this whole controversy and the way Carrie Prejune has been turned into a role model and hero of the faith amusing. She should quietly fade away and the Christian right should stop trying to make her a hero.
I can’t wait for the Christianity Today nude pin-up centerfold.

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  1. She is presenting a very unfortunate testimony, and even more unfortunate is the fact that the media only wants to cover Christians in the news when they are doing or saying something ridiculous and inconsistent with what Scripture teaches about modesty and decent behavior, like this woman is.

    Notice, however, how silent the media was about some of the extreme teachings of Obama's former pastor.

  2. I tend to agree with you. My guess is that she never really thought too much about what her beliefs were until she was thrown in the middle of this controversy and only now that she is getting so much flack from both sides is she realizing (maybe) that there are some discrepancies between what she does and what she claims to believe.

  3. I think she is doing more for the left than she is for the right. She is an embarrassment and if the right (radical right, christian conservatives) think she is helping them they are just as misguided as she is. Of course they are but that is beside the point. I wish she would go away. I cringe every time I see her. She is really just furthering the stereotype of the dumb blond more than anything.

  4. She is right to an extent about being in pageants and being true to your faith. However, others may look at her in her bikinis, tight dresses, and what not and feel they can do what they want and it's okay. Since no one knows her heart, it's easy for her to be a stumbling block to others.

    This just proves that one shouldn't open their mouth and judge someone without remembering their own actions.

  5. What you did not mention was the little 'film' she made for her boyfriend that is now all over the place. I wonder whether her children, should she decide to have any, would find that in keeping with her spiritual guidance. Once on the Net, always on the Net. Beauty pageants are not just about physical beauty, but also about character because they make the rounds as role models and representatives. She knew going in that there was more to it.

    I don't think God would have a problem with her size change. The problem is in being "lukewarm."

  6. I wasn't even aware of who she was or what she did until reading your post, and I got to admit I don't think I'm really going to care who she is or what she'll do after. I wish her the best of luck in life, but I don't think she someone I was to spend my access attention on.

    As for religion. I think religion can be a lot of good, if people use it as a source of hope and support in their own personal lives. I don't think religion should be used to influence political policy.

  7. Like most "christians for political reasons" she's a hypocrite. Why would she want to ruin God's creation by making them bigger? Didn't god make her in his, er, its image to begin with, which would sans giant boobs? What is Christian about enormous breasts?

    Carrie is right: No where in the Bible does it say, "Do not make porn videos". So I guess that's just fine too. Great, she could use some extra cash to pay for her big perky boobs!

  8. Maybe if Liberals had more women like Carrie Prejean and Sarah Palin instead of women like Nancy Pelosi, there would be fewer gay liberals.
