Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Frank has really been into the wine this time.

In this week's wine review column in The Tennesseean, Frank Sutherland and his wine tasting panel were reviewing Pinot Noir and Gamay Beaujolais wines to pair with the Thanksgiving meal. Among the aromas and taste they detected from the various wines were rhubarb, cola, Grenadine, campfire scents, and beef jerky, teriyaki and bacon, leather and (are your ready for this?) in his top pick wine, the 2008 Montoya Pinot Noir, he detected the aroma of "barnyard smells." Barnyard smells?? What? Yes, barnyard smells. I was thinking the "campfire scents" was a little out there but "barnyard smells?" Note that this was his top pick wine. I would not think barnyard smells would be something you would want in your wine, but what do I know.

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