Sunday, November 22, 2009

GOP Donelson/Hermitage “Bacon and Eggs” summit huge success

On Saturday, the Davidson County Republican Party had its first meeting of the Davidson County GOP Donelson/Hermitage Group. About thirty people attended the breakfast at the Donelson Pike Shoney’s. The purpose of the meeting was for local conservative-minded residents of the Donelson and Hermitage areas to meet one another and to discuss strategies for electing candidates in the future.

Jane Farrel of the TN Energy Forum spoke on energy policy and the pending cap and trade bill before Congress. Metro Councilman Randy Foster spoke on the roll of the Metro Council and issues pending before the Metro Council, including the proposal to build a new convention center. I addressed the group and spoke on the roll of volunteers and how people can organize to win elections. Barry Donegan, Regional Vice Chair who represents this region on the Party Executive Committee conducted the meeting. There was a lot of lively discussion and enthusiasm.

Davidson County has always been a one-party county with a weak Republican Party that has kept a low profile. The current leadership of the Davidson County party is determined to change that. In April of this year, the Party had the largest number of delegates to the County Convention they have ever had. The County GOP is energized. The tea party rallies and opposition to Obamacare and concern over run away reckless spending have motivated people to get involved. Victories in taking the State House and Senate this year and prospects for winning the Governorship next year have further breathed new life into the local Party.

Plans are to establish at least seven regional Republican groups in Davidson County. These groups will hold monthly meetings and organize the party down to the precinct level. The Donelson/Hermitage meeting was the first effort in this campaign. The group will not meet in December but will resume monthly meetings starting in January. If you missed this meeting on Saturday and want to be notified of future meetings contact the party at or contact me at and I will pass on your contact information.

In addition to plans for the second meeting of the Donelson/Hermitage Group in January, plans are being made for the initial meeting of another group in the South Central region of the county. Volunteers are needed to help organize the Regions. Let us know if you want to be involved.

If you want to attend meetings just to stay informed and socilize with fellow like-minded people you are encougaged to attened. If you want to get really involved in building a viable Republican Party in Davidson County, there is plenty to do. Anyone is welcome to attend any of the meetings. You do not have to wait until your region is organized. Get on the list. Get involved!

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