Sunday, November 22, 2009

Is Global Warming a Hoax?

Wow! This is hard to believe.

Is it possible that the scientific consensus about global warming may actually be a conspiracy? Is the science of global warming all a hoax? If it is, it is one of the world’s biggest hoaxes. If global warming is a hoax, I am going to start questioning the moon landing. Those who have never accepted the theory of global warming must be feeling vindicated.

One of the worlds leading climate research centers has been hacked into and a large volume (62 megabytes) of internal documents was released that clearly indicate that scientific data was manipulated to make global warming appear much more of a certainty than the data would indicate. One of the released emails has a scientist discussing a “trick” to “hide the decline” of global temperatures in the data. Another email has a scientist talking about ways to stack the peer review process to keep qualified skeptical scientist from having their research papers considered.

That sure sounds like a conspiracy and a hoax to me. Doctored studies. Manipulated data. Shutting out contrary views. Is this the scientific method? This story can't be just shrugged off and dismissed as the rantings of the flat-earth, tin-foil-hat crowd. Of course there is the possibility that the released documents are fakes. We don't know enough about this story to jump to conclusions. Even if the documents prove genuine that does not negate the physical evidence of the receding glaciers and shrinking ice caps, but it does call into question the reliability of the science.

This story was published by the Australian magazine Investigate (link). The world deserves answers. What is the real evidence of global warming? How influential was this research center. Who were those skeptical scientists who were denied the right to have their research considered? Was those contrary voices ever heard from? I am not ready to jump ship and join the skeptics, but I am a lot less certain of my acceptance of the science of global warming today than I was yesterday. I am waiting for answers. Some one tell me why I should still believe in global warming.

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  1. I'm not going to argue either for or against global warming. But I will say this: Are you totally convinced that the documents that were released were not "doctored" i some way to make it appear there was some skullduggery involved; and scientists and the general public routinely use the word "trick" to mean several things other than an attempt to deceive:

    We teach our dogs tricks.
    There's a trick to opening that sticky cupboard door.
    A sailor/driver does a trick at the wheel.
    We trick ourselves out in our finery.

    And probably a couple of other meanings, too.

  2. I have not reached any conclusion yet. I am awaiting more information. I just edited my post prior to reading your comment and added the possibility that the released documents could be fakes. After my original posting, I then considered the possibility the information itself could be a hoax. I hope this is confirmed or debunked and put in context. At th is point I don’t know what to believe.

  3. I was an academic researcher for many years so I am well aware of how scientists might "trick" data. Some of these "tricks" might very well be benign, but I'd say to Tom that if this is the case, let's hear from the scientists involved. I, as a scientist, would like to hear what they have to say.

  4. Hi,

    The politics of global warming is a bucket load of junk. First run of statistics that that numbers can be manipulated in many different directions.

    However, I do believe in saving money by using alternatives whenever I can. That way I get the best of both worlds

  5. I can't wait to read this! It's downloading right now. I've been skeptical for the last two years about this global warming nonsense (I read "State of Fear" and then started digging into the research). Great post! Either way, this is stuff people should know.

  6. Rod: It is past time for you to "jump ship". Thank you to those Australian journalists - they might save the USA from the Cap & Tax nightmare. John McCain showed that he is, in fact, a conservative. I always thought he would govern to the right of his campaign. It is why I like him so much!
