Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Paying for Praying in Health Care Bill

The Senate version of the health care bill contains a provision that would prohibit insurers from discriminating against "religious and spiritual health care." (link) This provision in the bill was designed to put Christian Science "prayer treatment" on the same footing as clinical medicine. While it may have been designed for Christian Science prayer treatment, can anyone doubt that the big televangelist will not tap this well? According the the article reporting on this, a Christian Science prayer treatment can cost as little as $20. What will the popular televangelist charge?

Who will be responsible for setting the rates for "payer treatment?" If someone can miraculously cure cancer and bill the government $1000, who will determine that that is or is not an appropriate fee? Who will decide what is legitimate "prayer treatment" and what is not? Will some government bureaucrat determine that Christian Science prayer treatment is legitimate but Benny Hinn prayer treatment is not?

The televangelist already have salaried "prayer counselors" to pray for people. I have met some of them. One of the major televangelist has part of his empire here in Nashville and had at one time over a hundred people on the payroll as prayer counselors. He still may have; I don't know. The big televangelist already have the operation and the employees. It would not take much to turn their prayer counselors into "prayer treatment providers." One can pray for people over the phone, so will "prayer treatment" have to be in person or can one deliver prayer treatment over the phone?

People who are concerned about the establishment of religion clause of the constitution and who believe there should be a wall of separation between church and state should be concerned about this little provision of the health care bill.

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  1. I just wonder if this was a compromise added in the bill to get a vote somewhere down the line. Just shows how wasteful, inefficient and mismanaged our health-care will be if the government gets a hold on it.

    The entire thing is scary, the amount of money being tossed around...

  2. I certainly don't want my tax money going to the very wealthy Benny Hinn. The bill should only be directed toward licensed physicians and facilities. The longer this whole thing drags on the worse it gets.
