Saturday, September 26, 2009

For a look at a real 'angry mob' see the G-20 protesters.

For months now, the main stream media has been repeating the Democrat's talking points of painting Town Hall protesters and Tea Party participants as "astroturffers" organized by the insurance industry, and as racist, and as part of "an angry mob." I don't think the American people are buying it. The only violence reported in connection with the Town Hall/Tea Party protest was cases in which the anti-Obama protesters were the victims of violence. There was the case where two SEIU union thugs beat up a Black conservative protester in St. Louis and the case where a MoveOn member bit off the finger of an opponent. Except for these two incidents the Anti-Omaba protest have been relatively orderly and peaceful.

At the 9-12 March on Washington, there were between 75,000 and two million people, depending on whose numbers you want to believe, and there were no arrest. That does not sound like an angry mob to me. I have attended some of the Tea Party events here in Nashville and never felt like I was part of an angry mob. There was no violence and no vandalism. The feeling was like that of a high school football pep rally. When a Tea Party comes to town, no one boards up their windows.

For a look at what a real angry mob looks like see Comparing the Tea Parties to the G20 protests - the violence, destruction and hypocrisy of the Left.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Save the Boobs

Fight breast cancer. This is a public service announcement presented by A Disgruntled Republican.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One in Six ....

A CEO was seeking to fill a position in his firm's research department. He had narrowed his search to three candidates, a mathematician, an accountant and a statistician. In individual interviews at the conclusion of each interview, he said to the interviewee: “ I have one final question. What is two plus two?”

The mathematician confidently smiled and said, “four.”

When the accountant was asked, he briefly hesitated and said, “four,” paused and said, “usually.”

The statistician glanced both directions, leaned in, lowered his voice and said, “what do you want it to be.”

Below are some interesting statistics with links to the source.

One in three Americans are unaware of Charles Darwin.

One in four Americans read no books last year.

One in four women have survived rape or attempted rape.

One in four children live in poverty.

One in four college students have a sexually transmitted disease.

At least one in five men in developed countries are at risk of abusing or becoming dependent on alcohol during their lifetimes.

One in five young women have experienced forced sexual intercourse.

One in five Americans Has Some Level of Disability.

One in six adults are without health insurance.

One in six Americans claim workplace bias.

One in six men are victims of child sexual abuse.

One in six American children are hungry.

One of every 6 American children is overweight or at risk of becoming overweight.

One in seven women will develop breast cancer.

I used to be much more believing of statistics. Several years ago there was an ad that was played repeatedly on the radio. I don't remember what organization they were promoting, but the ad went something like this: In a quite, low, serious tone, the narrator said, "It could be the person working the in the cubicle next to you, it could be the person your ride the bus with everyday but one out of 6 people are hungry."

Maybe it wasn't one in six, it could have been one in four or one is five or some other number, but it was a low number. Anyway, I didn't pay much attention the first couple of time I heard it, then I started thinking, "who do I know that is hungry?" I could not think of anyone that I thought may be hungry except people on a diet trying to loose weight. Sure, I believe there are hungry people, but not one if five, or whatever the number was.

After that I started paying attention to other statistics. The stats about what decease you will get is often based on unrealistic assumptions, such as you live to age X and you don't die with something else first.

The stats on rape and sexual abuse, I am very sceptical of and think they are politically motivated. A few years ago there was a report that their was a spike in domestic violence on Superbowl Sunday fueled by all of the testosterone of watching football. It turns out that that was not true.

I find it interesting that one is six children are overweight and that one in six are also hungry. I don't know how they came up with those statistics.

I am very unbelieving of statistics like the above. I tend to take them all with a grain of salt. I think people just pull stats out of the air to support their cause or they use such convoluted parameters and definitions that they may as well pull them out of the air or they are based on faulty primary data or poor sampling and methodology.

Is anyone else as sceptical as I?

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Monday, September 21, 2009

America's Future Foundation host David Boaz

America's Future Foundation America's Future Foundation - Nashville: Event Announcement

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David Boaz Discusses How Obama and the Left are Reuniting Free Market Thinkers

Join the Nashville chapter of America’s Future Foundation and Tennessee Center for Policy Research to hear David Boaz, executive vice president at The Cato Institute, discuss the path back to liberty in America.

Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Time: 6:30 pm (meet and greet), 7:30 pm (David Boaz)

Location: Mulligan's Pub & Restaurant (117 2nd Ave. N., 37201)
RSVP: Please confirm attendance with email to

Hors d'oeuvres and non-alcoholic beverages provided. Alcoholic beverages available for purchase.

About David Boaz:
David has played a key role in the development of the Cato Institute and the libertarian movement. He is a provocative commentator and a leading authority on domestic issues such as education choice, drug legalization, the growth of government, and the rise of libertarianism. He is the author of Libertarianism: A Primer, described by the Los Angeles Times as "a well-researched manifesto of libertarian ideas," the editor of The Libertarian Reader, and coeditor of the Cato Handbook For Policymakers. His articles have been published in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, National Review, and Slate. He is a frequent guest on national television and radio shows, and has appeared on ABC's Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, CNN's Crossfire, NPR's Talk of the Nation and All Things Considered, John McLaughlin's One on One, Fox News Channel, BBC, Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and other media. His latest book is The Politics of Freedom.
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The President is running out of demons

by Keith Deerkoski, The Tennessean, September 21, 2009

President Barack Obama and members of the Democratic Party are pushing their agenda ahead with force and certainty. Health care. Cap and trade. Stimulus. Card check. Executive pay limits. Controlling both houses of Congress and the executive branch and armed with a celebrated politician and orator, there should be no challenge to immediate and monumental change for this party.

Take health care. The Democrats should have already passed a bill. They don't need one Republican vote. So what happened? August happened. An "angry mob" was awakened, and a public uprising began. Why?

Comment: Excellent article. Deerkoski argues that the President has demonized his opponents and now has demonized so many people he is running out of demons. Keith Deerkoski is a local Nashville businessman who owns five local Dunkin Donot stores. He is a retired U. S. Marine Corp captain and graduate of the Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Managment.

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An ACORN Comic Book


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