Friday, January 08, 2010

Could Scott Brown actually take Ted Kennedy's seat?

Scott Brown for Senate
It is possible! Please contribute now!

I know it hard to believe but the Senate seat held forever by the late Senator Ted Kennedy is in play. According to a Rasmussen poll on Tuesday, State Attorney General Martha Coakley holds only a nine-point lead over her Republican rival, state Senator Scott Brown in that Massachusetts contest. Seven percent of the voters are still undecided.

I know it is an uphill fight, but who would have ever thought a contest for Kennedy's Senate seat could be that close. If Republicans can win Massachusetts they can win anywhere. Win or loose, that the contest is this close is significant. This bodes well for Republicans next fall. What an astounding victory it would be if Republicans could take this seat. If a Republican can win this contest, many Democrats will simply decide to retire.

When a race is this close then voter intensity counts. Brown has the enthusiasm factor. If a blizzard hits on election day the candidate with the most committed supporters could win. Election day efforts to get voters to the polls can make a difference when elections are this close.

Unfortunately the fight is a David versus Goliath battle. The Dems vastly outnumber the Repubs in Massachusetts and Coakley has a current war chest of almost three times that of Brown and throughout the campaign she has vastly outspent Brown. Brown has spent only $450,000 on television ads compared to $1.4 million by Coakley. (link) The momentum however is going in the direction of Brown! Daily, the gap has been narrowing and recently funds have been pouring into the Brown campaign. While there are only eleven days left until the election, a lot can happen in eleven days.

I can't support every Republican running and am a person of modest means, but I just now made a $35 contribution to the Scott Brown campaign. This is a race worth contributing to. This would be a great seat to win. Please send a contribution now to the link below and pray for a blizzard on election day.

Contribute to the Scott Brown Campaign.

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