Monday, January 18, 2010

Harry Reid's light skinned American with no Negro dialect comic book

Harry Reid cartoon

Harry Reid cartoon

Harry Reid cartoon

Harry Reid cartoon

Harry Reid cartoon
Harry Reid cartoon
Harry Reid cartoon

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  1. As along as Michael Steele keeps the focus on issues like this, instead of real issues, the Republicans will not be able to move forward any real agenda.

    George Will comment, "I don't think there's a scintilla of racism in what Harry Reid said. At long last, Harry Reid has said something that no one can disagree with, and he gets in trouble for it."

    While I realize you may not be a fan of that bastion of the liberal media, the New York Times, and particularly Frank Rich, you might find his analysis interesting

  2. The problem with Reid's statement was it just wasn't racist enough...

  3. Aldon, I do not for a minute think that Harry Reid is a racist. I want Harry Reid gone, but not because of this innocent comment. I find the whole event more amusing than shocking. It was much to do about nothing.

    What I find upsetting about this is the double standard. If Mitch McConnell had said this we would be seeing the liberal press and the professional civil rights activist demanding his resignation. It would be a crisis. Trent Lott could not survive his innocent remark at Stom Thurman’s 100th birthday celebration. It is not Harry Reid’s remark that gets to me; it is the liberal double standard.

    I know people don’t use the term “Negro” much anymore, but I did not know it had become a racial slur. Someone needs to tell the Negro College Fund.
