Thursday, January 14, 2010

Scott Brown tells CNN's David Gergen..

"Well with all due respect its not the Kennedys' seat, and its not the Democrats' seat, it's the people's seat."

CNN senior political analyst David Gergen did not even try to hide his bias in moderating a debate between Republican challenger Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley.

In the debate, he asked Republican candidate Scott Brown a question about his opposition to the pending health care bill and asked whether he'd be willing to "sit in Teddy Kennedy's seat and say, I'm going to be the person who's going to block it for another 15 years."

Brown responded, "Well, with all due respect it's not the Kennedys' seat, and it's not the Democrats' seat, it's the people's seat."

I saw the full debate on CSPAN. Brown is quick, sharp, charismatic, knowledgeable and confident. This man needs to win! If he wins, he could quickly be a potential Presidential contender. He would be star in the Republican Party. I think we need new faces. We need a new star. Quite frankly, I am not enamored of any of the current Republicans mentioned as possible presidential nominees. None of them really do it for me. I want some fresh faces in the party.

This race is so very, very close and no one thought a Republican had a chance of taking it. There is probably not a lot anyone can do from here, now to impact this race. I don't know, but I wonder if even more contributions would help at this late date. Brown may have raised more than can be spent in Monday's moneybomb. There may not even be more media buys available. If you haven't given, please contribute anyway however. More money still might make a difference and the Democrats are still funnelling massive amounts to the Coakley campaign.

I doubt outside Republican leaders going into the state to campaign for Brown would help. Any outside Republican, (Newt, McConnell, Palin, McCain, Romney) may cost him as many votes as they win for him. They each have their negatives. Maybe some billboards that say "Joe Kennedy for Senate" would help. Maybe if Obama would go to the state and campaign for Coakley, that would help Brown. I don't know. Maybe Coakley will do or say something really stupid in the final days of this campaign. I am praying for bad weather on election day.

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  1. That is the smartest thing I have heard come out of a politicians mouth since I can't remember. I hope he wins.

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  3. Great find, man. That's the perfect answer to a ridiculous question. We need people like that in Washington.

  4. I second what Steve said. Doesn't placate, just says it like it is. Would be a refreshing change.
