Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Taxpayers pick up Nancy Pelosi's $100,000 bar tab

Taxpayers pick up Nancy Pelosi's $100,000 bar tab,good booze
Maker's Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey's Irish Crème, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey.

A well-stocked liquor cabinet is one of the finer things in life. If you are Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, you let the taxpayers stock your liquor cabinet- your liquor cabinet that you have stocked for those private jet flights between Washington DC and San Francisco. Nancy Pelosi's charges for "in flight services" over the last two years came to $101,000. This was a part of the $2.1 million for her Air Force jet travel over these last two years. Despite regular commercial service between San Francisco and D.C., the speaker flies Air Force jets and travels in style. No cheap booze for the Speaker. And, no entertaining at her own expense- charge it to the taxpayers. The bar tap for the Speaker was made public by Judicial Watch and was obtained though a Freedom of Information act request. (link)

I am sure Nancy Pelosi finds being a public servant very rewarding.

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  1. I'll keep her off the sauce. I'll just redistribute it, to us, her lowly peons.

    It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it!


  2. It seems that once again the story may be there, but not the whole story....

    According to at

    :...Judicial Watch is wrong in several respects. Our examination of the documents reveals that Judicial Watch overstated the amount of money spent on “in-flight expenses” for Pelosi’s congressional delegations, or CODELs. Furthermore, Judicial Watch, a watchdog group that describes itself as "conservative," failed to compare Pelosi’s costs with those of the previous speaker, Republican Dennis Hastert, even though the Air Force handed over documents covering CODELs that he led, as well as those led by Pelosi. And the fact is that Hastert’s travel, as represented in Judicial Watch’s own documents, was comparable to Pelosi’s."

    "WorldNetDaily said that Pelosi spent more than $100,000 for "food [and] booze." That’s false. The total includes expenses other than "food and booze," though it’s certainly true that international CODELs routinely show receipts for hundreds of dollars worth of top-shelf alcohol "

    "We asked Judicial Watch for an explanation of its accounting, and the group sent us a spreadsheet that covered three of the nine Pelosi CODELs represented in its documents, plus 47 speaker shuttles to and from Pelosi’s home district. From the three CODELs it covers, it’s clear that Judicial Watch is counting as “in-flight expenses” any non-reimbursable Air Force expenditure besides transportation costs. That category actually includes all non-plane costs of the trip, including baggage fees, meeting room rentals and refreshments, and, frequently, good-will lapel pins — as well as meals, ground transportation and lodging in U.S. territory."

    "By our count, the nine Pelosi CODELs represented in the documents spent about $110,000, after the Air Force was reimbursed for expenditures for which it wasn’t responsible (such as overseas meals and lodging and spouses’ expenses). The eight Hastert CODELs spent about $73,000. The costs per official participant were remarkably similar — about $310 for Pelosi CODELs and $302 for Hastert CODELs. Counting in the cost of military air travel, the nine Pelosi CODELs cost $2.4 million. The eight Hastert CODELs cost $2.7 million, not including the air travel costs for one trip, which were not available."

    I think their conclusion is the most fair way to look at this situation:

    "We take no position on whether that’s an appropriate use of Air Force funds. Judicial Watch clearly does, which is its prerogative. But Judicial Watch fails to note that this practice is both bipartisan and of long standing. Its own documents show that Pelosi’s Republican predecessor’s CODELs also provided snacks, alcohol and meals to participating representatives, who were often accompanied by their spouses. If Judicial Watch disapproves of the menus on CODEL flights, its gripe is with Congress and the Air Force, not only with the current speaker. "
