Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Welcome back The Tampa Pirate

pirate_shipThe Tampa Pirate is a conservative, well-written, thoughtful blog that just disappeared a few weeks ago. I know lots of blogs come and go. People get it out of their system or they get discouraged or they find other hobbies. I was afraid The Tampa Pirate had just gone away. Make Spence, the Tampa pirate, emailed me yesterday and said that his blog had been attacked by hackers and virtually destroyed and he is in the process of rebuilding. Welcome back, Mark.

Please help Mark rebuild by visiting his blog and giving him a link. Glad to have you back, Mark.

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  1. Will do Rod. Thanks for helping fellow bloggers. Let's all keep. "paying it forward"


  2. Hey Rod, you rock bro. Thanks for the post and kind words man. I will always pay it forward to you bro. You are a man among men.

