Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Are they really evil or simply wrong?

The battles are not over, but the march toward the government obtaining absolute control over every aspect of the American economy continues unabated. Following the government seizing the power to dictate the compensation of employees of banks, gaining a major ownership interest in General Motors, and effectively nationalizing the 1/6th of the economy which is health care, now the government has extended its authority to regulate virtually any company that engages in financial activity. Financial activity is so broadly defined that it includes almost every company in America. The "Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010" is the latest measure the Democrats have passed to seize power. To read more of how this act transfers unprecedented and virtually unlimited power from the private sector to the government read the story.

The government does not actually have to own the means of production to exercise control over the means of production. Looking over every producers shoulder and telling him what he may and may not do, will be a bureaucrat. The next major power grab, unless it can be stopped, will be passage of a cap and trade bill which will let the government pick winners and losers in virtually every industry that consumes or produces energy. The portion of the private sector that is really private is shrinking by the day.

I am not one to normally use alarmist language but I am alarmed. I do not normally engage in doom and gloom but I am feeling gloomy. I have always thought that there was an ebb and flow to politics. I have always thought that we could correct things come the next election. I have even been known to argue that America was a centrist nation and that despite our periods of partisanship that in reality change was a matter of degree and was seldom radical. I have thought that in reality there was not much difference between Democrats and Republicans and I did not think that that was a bad thing. I thought most elected officials of either party were for the most part pragmatic people seeking to solve problems. To use a football analogy, I have said we are all playing within the 45 yard lines. I have argued that while we may be partisan at times, we are not ideological. I have assumed that despite disagreement over specific issues, that there was general agreement that government should be limited, that a market economy was generally preferable to socialism and that personal responsibility, individual initiative, and an entrepreneurial spirit were virtues and shared values.

I am not so sure any more. The only thing that may have kept us from going off the deep end all along was a divided government and balance of power. Those with a different set of values may have been waiting for this opportunity to remake America all of their lives. I may have only thought there was a set of shared values in this land. For the first time in my lifetime, I fear for our country. I am afraid that with the government exercise of such enormous control over the economy, combined with our enormous national debt which is unsustainable, that our days as a free and prosperous and great nation may very well be numbered. I am afraid that the days of American exceptionalism are over. I fear we will become a nation so burdened by debt and bureaucracy that wealth creation will be virtually impossible and that the American people will become a people that continually look to government to redivide a constantly shrinking pie.

We have let the government gain such control that we will gradually surrender the last vestiges of our freedom without a whimper. We have traded our freedom for a bowl of porridge and a feel-good dose of hope.

Not only do I feel gloomy because I see our nation slipping away, but I feel the partisan divide is slipping into downright hostility and a deep division that may not heal. I have had occasion to feel the sting of anger and bitter righteous indignation from those who thinks that because I oppose the recently passed health care reform that I am selfish and hard-hearted and they wonder how I can be on the side that wants to deny health insurance to those without it. Those who passionately fought for and hoped for Obamacare, do not see those of us on this side as also wanting what is best for the individual and for our nation. They do not recognize that we think we have superior ideas for reforming health care; they simply see us as evil.

I feel saddened by this. Yet, the truth is that I feel much the same way toward them and I don't like it. I feel anger toward those who are supporting the destruction of our freedom and the qualities that have made America unique. I am angry that they are destroying our system of free enterprise and taking our liberties. I tell myself that they are not really evil but simply wrong. I have to keep telling myself that because sometimes I feel that what they are doing to this country that I love is pure evil.

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  1. I'm not american but I feel you.

    But since this is a matter of opinion, no one can really say who is wrong and who is not nor what is right and what is wrong.

    the other side of the fence would say that you are selfish but on your side, you'll call them parasites but in the end, it's the lives of the people who are at stake.

    the issue is definitely a big headache for obama and I would feel that he has all the needed information for his decisions. it may not be popular but hey, something's must be done and you have to start somewhere.

  2. What is the difference?
    But $400 BILLION is ok?
    Prescription Drug Benefit.
    The final version (conference report) of H.R. 1 would create a prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients. Beginning in 2006, prescription coverage would be available to seniors through private insurers for a monthly premium estimated at $35. There would be a $250 annual deductible, then 75 percent of drug costs up to $2,250 would be reimbursed. Drug costs greater than $2,250 would not be covered until out-ofpocket expenses exceeded $3,600, after which 95 percent of drug costs would be reimbursed. Low-income recipients would receive more subsidies than other seniors by paying lower premiums, having smaller deductibles, and making lower co-payments for each prescription. The total cost of the new prescription drug benefit would be limited to the $400 billion that Congress had budgeted earlier this year for the first 10 years of this new entitlement program. The House adopted the conference report on H.R. 1 on November 22, 2003 by a vote of 220 to 215 (Roll Call 669).
    Marsha Blackburn Voted FOR this bill.
    Marsha Blackburn is my Congressman.
    See her unconstitutional votes at :
