Monday, March 08, 2010

Davidson County Republicans Show Some Fight

By Kleinheider, Post Politics, a blogjam of, Posted on March 7, 2010 at 10:00 am

Republicans haven’t made a serious bid for the 5th District seat since Alf Adams ran unsuccessfully against Richard Fulton in 1972. This year looks quite a bit different. (link)

GOP Grassroots: "Give us the pen in 2010" for redistricting

Dru's Vues, Too, Saturday, March 6, 2010

Energized GOPers turned out March 6 at the Green Hills Library for a Grassroots breakfast gathering. State GOP Committeewoman Beth Campbell rallied the Republicans, several of whom busily campaigned for various offices during the meeting. The hottest GOP primary contest may be for a nominee to run for the 5th District Congressional seat.

Beth Campbell, Bob Schwartz and Rep. Beth Harwell at the Grassroots Breakfast gathering.

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