Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Leadership Institute: highly recommended.

Today, I attended an all-day campaign school put on by The Leadership Institute. It was great! I highly recommend this program should it come to your home town. The Leadership Institute has been around for over forty years training conservative youth and candidates and other activist. The event was from 8:30 AM until 6PM and was on the campus of Vanderbilt University in a comfortable lecture hall. Parking was free and we had a nice box lunch from Panera Bread. The total cost was only $25.

While this event was geared toward conservatives, the actual curriculum was basic nuts and bolts stuff. Here was the curriculum:

  • Campaign Structure and Organization
  • Voter ID and Targeting
  • Developing a Persuasive Message
  • Recruiting and Motivating Volunteers
  • Precinct Organization
  • Door-to-Door and Phones
  • Using the Social Media
  • Fundraising-Finance Plan and Budget
  • Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV)
Also, today there was a youth activism school which was a two-day event and also took place at Vandy. I don't know how many people attended the youth activism school, but about 125 people attended the campaign school.

To win elections and reverse the disastrous path which our country is on takes more than anger and enthusiasm; it takes skills and leadership. If you are a candidate, want to become a candidate, want to work in someone's campaign, simply want to become a more valuable activist, or want to get plugged in and network with other activist and this campaign school comes to your town, please don't miss it.

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  1. Thanks, Rod! I'm glad you liked the program!

  2. Rod,
    I enjoyed the class as well. Learned some good information that I hope makes me a more valuable resource on the campaign for which I'm working.
