Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey supports a "FOREVER GREEN TENNESSEE" and is AGAINST mountaintop removal.

I am glad to see Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey emphatically state that he is against mountain top removal. Previously it had been reported that he was in favor of this method of coal mining in which the top of mountains are blown off and pushed into the valleys to get the the coal beneath. I am glad to see him set the record straight.

I am also pleased to see that he supports the Forever Green campaign. This clip shows Kathleen Williams, Director of the Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation, leading a delegation of conservationist, including former Governor Winfield Dunn, meeting with Governor Ramsey to secure his support of the Forever Green Campaign. Forever Green Tennessee is a campaign to restore the Tennessee Real Estate Transfer Funds. These funds dedicate approximately $20 Million per year for Tennessee land acquisition and conservation. In previous years these funds where diverted to the general fund, despite spicifically beind dedicated to land acquisition and conservation when the tax was originally passed.

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  1. Good port bro. I am from WV originally and hate the damage strip mining does. I hope that people in that state will wake up before its too late.


  2. Its really Good very interesting blog post, good information.

  3. How do you get the coal then? We need the energy? Any suggestions?

  4. Dave, we can still get most of the coal. We can get the coal by traditional mining or by environmentally sound surface mining called strip mining. If some of the coal has to stay in the ground, so be it. Getting the last piece of coal is not worth the destruction of our beautiful mountains and the harm to the environment that this method of mining does. Mountain top removal is not the same thing as simple strip mining. The top of a mountain is literally blown off and the top of the mountain pushed into the valleys.
