Friday, April 16, 2010

Big Weekend for the DCRP

Big Weekend for the DCRP...Reagan Day Dinner Has Over 400 Attendees & two Saturday summits feature lots of candidates including Congressman Zach Wamp at Priest Lake
and Bill Haslam in West Nashville

US Congressman
Zach Wamp, candidate for Governor of TN, will speak at the Priest Lake "Meet & Greet" Saturday,
April 17, 9 a.m. at the IHOP Restaurant
LI School Manager
LI School  Manager
Bill Haslam, Mayor of Knoxville and gubernatorial candidate,
will speak in West Nashville Saturday, April 17th, 9 a.m. at
Shoney's on Whitebridge Road.
Davidson County Republican Party
Web Site
Reagan Day Dinner Update...
The Friday night April 16th Reagan Day Dinner drew so many people we had to change to a bigger venue at the TN State Fairgrounds.
The event will be held in "Banquet Hall" rather than Wilson Hall to accommodate the more than 400 attendees coming to celebrate "all things Republican" and hear Sen. Bob Corker and the four gubernatorial candidates.
For those of you who can't be with us mark your calendar now for our annual barbecue on July 10th at Centennial Park.
Kathleen Starnes, Chairman
GOPWIN 2010 Logo

Priest Lake & W. Nashville Summits Feature Lots of Candidates...hear them & enjoy a Dutch treat breakfast @ 8:30 a.m. before 9 a.m. meeting times at:
> IHOP in Priest Lake with Congressman
Zach Wamp as the featured speaker along with Eric Crafton, Candidate for Juvenile Court Clerk.
> Shoney's on Whitebridge Road, with Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam and also with James Chesser, Dr. Steve Dickerson, Candidates State Senate 21 and Tim Lee, Candidate House District 55

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