Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fun times at the Reagan Day Dinner

Rod Williams and Louella Ballenger

Me and my wife at the Registration desk

In the last year I have become very active in the county Republican Party and local political activity. I not only do it because I believe all citizens who cherish liberty must oppose what is happening to our country and that we have an obligation to get involved, but I enjoy it!

Unfortunately, most of the members of my family are flaming liberals and most people I casually know are apathetic or liberal. It is great to be around like-minded people who are smart and informed and share my values and my passion.

A few months ago, on the night that Scott Brown won the Massachusetts senate seat, I was at the State Republican Party headquarters working a phone bank drumming up attendance for the Republican breakfast groups I have been helping to form. About a dozen of us were making phone calls and the TV was turned low in the background. When the announcement of Brown’s victory was made there were hoops of joy and high fives and big grins and exclamations of delight. I had been following that race closely. I am glad I was with people who shared by delight in that victory rather than with liberals, or people who could care less or at home watching it alone.

The Reagan Day Dinner had been planned for some months. I knew I would be attending. The invitations had said something about “ranch wear” and wearing your cowboy hat and boots but I had not given it much thought. I no longer owned a cowboy hat or boots. I used to. All through college I wore a pair of worn blue suede cowboy boots and have owned several other pair. I wore cowboy boots for years. I also used to wear a cowboy hat, especially when I would go honky tonkin or go to country music concerts. I got to where I was comfortable in a cowboy hat, but somewhere along the way, I gave up the cowboy thing.

I had not actually given much thought to what I would wear to the Reagan Day Dinner until the day before the event and realized I did not even own a decent pair of jeans. Oh well, I thought, I will just wear normal everyday clothes. Then, on the day of the dinner, I got an email from Bob Swartz a friend of mine who is one of the candidates for the 5th Congressional District. I don’t recall what we were talking about in the email, but Bob said something about he would see me in my cowboy hat that night. It was then that I thought, it would be nice to have a new pair of jeans and a cowboy hat. I took off work early and went shopping. I didn’t have much time.

I normally hate to shop. I know some people shop for pleasure; not me. I would almost as soon go to the dentist as go to the mall. But, I enjoyed shopping. I went to Wallmart and bought a new pair of jeans. They did not have a good selection of cowboy hats, so I headed downtown to the honky tonk strip of lower Broadway. Luck must have been with me. Normally parking is hard to find during business hours downtown, but I found a parking meter right on Broadway. Hats were much more expensive than I thought they would be but in the third store I went in they had white straw hats at an amazingly cheap price. I put on a hat that fit me perfectly and I felt like a cowboy. I then started looking at boots that were on sale and for just a little over a hundred dollars I found a comfortable pair of boots that I really liked. Wearing boots and a cowboy hat makes you feel different.

I went to the Reagan Day Dinner in style. It was a great evening. I heard speeches by people I really admire like our own Representative Marsha Blackman and Senator Bob Corker. There was a candidate’s forum of the candidates running for governor. There was musical entertainment, good food and wine, good conversation, balloons and banners.

If you have been unhappy about the direction our county is going, do something about it. Don’t just sit at home and cuss at the TV. Get involved! Start a Republican breakfast group. Volunteer to help a candidate. Attend a fundraiser. You will feel better for having done it and you might have fun. And, don’t pass up the chance to wear a cowboy hat.

April 16
DCRP Reagan Day Dinner was a huge success!

From The Davidson County Republican Party
Over 400 energized GOP’ers filled the Banquet Hall at the TN State Fairgrounds on Friday, April 16 for the Davidson County Republican Party’s Reagan Day Dinner featuring Sen. Bob Corker as the keynote speaker.

It was a new day for Davidson County Republicans—eagerly assembling for their first Reagan Day event in a number of years—who sense the momentum is now theirs in capturing strategic positions in the County, State and US House during 2010 elections.

The four Republican gubernatorial candidates—Bill Haslam, Joe Kirkpatrick, Ron Ramsey and Zach Wamp—further fired up the crowd with crisp and often impassioned answers to questions posed during a forum moderated by former NewsChannel 5 television personality Harry Chapman. Questions were asked on jobs, education, State budget/economy and State sovereignty. Bill Haslam won the straw poll taken immediately after the forum as the choice for governor. He was followed by Zach Wamp, Ron Ramsey and Joe Kirkpatrick.

During his speech, Sen. Corker drew loud affirmative applause when he stated he would never be a member of AARP. His comments made national news.

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