Tuesday, April 13, 2010

GOP slates top guns for Jim Gotto fundraiser

Jim Gotto

By Nate Rau • THE TENNESSEAN • April 10, 2010

Jim Gotto's bid to make the jump from Nashville city council to the state will get critical fundraising help next week from GOP heavy hitters.

U.S. Sen. Bob Corker will attend an April 16 fundraiser hosted by House GOP leaders Rep. Jason Mumpower and Rep. Glen Casada at the state fairgrounds. (read more)

Comment: This is great coverage for Jim Gotto and his upcoming fund raiser. In this article Chip Foster, Tennessee Democratic Party Chairman, says picking up that seat is "wishful thinking" by the Republicans. I don't think so. Ben West, who held that seat for twenty years, was a conservative Democrat. He was a fiscal conservative and a strong advocate of second amendment rights. Conservative Democrats know they are no longer welcome in the Democratic Party and are turning Republican. Jim Gotto has been a popular councilman and is an attractive candidate and has picked up some good endorsements. I think Jim can win this seat. We need to get behind him and win it! For more information on the Gotto campaign or the fund raiser this Friday night visit Jim's official website.

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