Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hartline Welcomes Endorsement from Leading Second Amendment Defender

NASHVILLE – Congressional candidate Jeff Hartline has been endorsed by The Tennessee Patriot, a quarterly newspaper published in defense of conservative values and Americans’ First, Second and Tenth amendment rights. The endorsement, written by leading Second Amendment rights advocate Bob Pope, describes Hartline as a level headed constitutional conservative and urges Tennessee gun owners to support his candidacy.

“As a constitutional conservative, I am a staunch supporter of American’s constitutional rights – all of them,” said Hartline, who is seeking the congressional seat currently occupied by U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper. “I understand that the Second Amendment means what it says, and that protecting Americans’ rights to keep and bear arms is crucial to preserving our liberty. I welcome the support of gun-owners across Tennessee for our campaign to restore constitutional government to Washington DC.”

The Hartline for Congress campaign notes that the incumbent Congressman’s first vote at the start of each new Congress is for liberal leadership that has long sought to curtail Americans’ gun rights. Cooper voted for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a far-left anti-gun rights liberal who has earned an “F” rating on Second Amendment issues from the National Rifle Association, and an F-minus grade from the pro-Second Amendment Gun Owners of America.

“Nancy Pelosi is a big supporter of gun control and a big opponent of our Second Amendment rights and she controls the legislative agenda in the House of Representatives” Hartline said. “Jim Cooper claims to be a defender of our Second Amendment rights, but his vote for Pelosi to be Speaker of the House helps to advance the pro-gun control, anti-Second Amendment agenda."

The Tennessee Patriot ( is published quarterly by leading Tennessee Second Amendment advocate Bob Pope, and is mailed to subscribers and distributed at gun stores across the state. The newspaper is delivered to more than 231,000 adults across Tennessee who, like Jeff Hartline, have a Tennessee handgun carry permit.The newspaper’s readership is estimated at more than 575,000 people.

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