Sunday, April 04, 2010

Tea Party Express III rolls into Nashville!

map of Tea Party Express tour Tea Party ExpressTonight I attended the Tea Party Express III rally in the parking lot of the Scoreboard Bar and Grill here in Nashville. Nashville was a stop on the Tea Party Express tour on the way to Washington.

It is hard to estimate a crowd like this but there must have been over a thousand, maybe up to two thousand, people turn out for the event. It is really surprising that so many people showed up on an Easter Sunday. I learned about the event from a 9-12 chat group on Friday. There was no newspaper or major media advertising; just free internet postings and word of mouth.

The weather was great. I ate good barbecue, heard rousing patriotic song and speeches, enjoyed great entertainment, and cheered denunciations of Obama, and socialism. Several of the 5th District congressional candidates were working the crowd as were candidates for other offices, and vendors of buttons, books, flags, and various advocates of patriotic and conservative causes had booths and worked the crowd. I run into several fellow political activist I know. This was a lot of fun.

I really enjoyed the performance by Victoria Jackson singing her song, “There’s a Communist in the White House” and a new song, “Don’t get sick.” She is so cute and charming and funny.

If the Tea Party Express comes to your town, don’t miss it!

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