Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Concerned Citizens Announce Fund-Raising Event for Tim Lee for State House District 55

Tim LeeProminent Lawmakers Set to Attend

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (May 24, 2010) - A group of concerned citizens are organizing a fundraiser on behalf of the grassroots effort to elect Tim Lee to serve the 55th district in the Tennessee House of Representatives. Tim Lee is running a strong campaign as a Republican, seeking to solve our state's economic crisis with small government, common-sense solutions.

The committee of concerned citizens planning the event include hard-working, local activists like Beth Campbell, John Ambrose, Chip Saltsman, E.V. King, Tim Skow, Juan Borges, political blogger Ken Marrero, and political strategist Ward Baker. The event will occur from 5 to 7 PM CST on Thursday, June 3rd, 2010, at the home of owners of The Comfort Group, Mr. Steve and Mrs. Shana Alford. Their home is located at 6432 Currywood Dr. Nashville, TN, 37205.

Since the purpose of the event is to raise the necessary funds for a successful political campaign, attendees are asked to bring $100 to contribute to the initiative to elect Tim Lee. For those interested in attending, please RSVP at 615-828-5533 by May 28th.

As Tim Lee is rapidly gaining in popularity among those concerned citizens of the 55th District, prominent lawmakers have committed to attend this important fundraiser. Those attending include such luminaries as Senator Jack Johnson, Representative Jason Mumpower, Representative Glen Casada, Representative Debra Maggart, Representative Pat Marsh and Representative Tony Shipley.

We have attached the invitation and RSVP form for your records.

For further information, media inquiry, or other requests, please contact:

Matt Nemeth
Campaign Manager, Committee to Elect Timothy Lee
(248) 252 1600


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1 comment:

  1. Tim Lee voted to purge a conservative officer of the Davidson County Republican Party even though that officer violated no party rules. Tim Lee is a moderate compromiser who will tow the party line if it benefits him. I know this from first hand experience.
