Monday, May 17, 2010

David Ingram Joins Hartline Campaign Finance Team

Jeff Hartline gets endorsement from former rival for 5th District nomination

NASHVILLE – Well-known Nashville business executive David Ingram, chairman and president of Ingram Entertainment, has joined the effort to elect Jeff Hartline as the next congressman from Tennessee's 5th congressional district.

Also today, a former rival for the Republican nomination has endorsed Hartline's campaign to defeat entrenched incumbent Jim Cooper and put an end to Cooper's cooperation with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's liberal agenda of taxpayer-financed corporate bailouts, massive deficits and expanded government control of large sectors of the economy.

Ingram is a very valuable addition to the team, said Andy Miller, finance committee chairman for Hartline for Congress. “David Ingram has worked tirelessly for many years to get the right people elected. He has a record of working for the election of candidates who will serve this state well and will represent well the core values of the people of this district. He brings to this group even more expertise that will be necessary to winning this November, and I personally welcome his guidance and help.”

Former Rival Backs Hartline

Brendan E. Finucane Jr., an early candidate for the Republican nomination for the 5th district congressional seat in Tennessee, endorsed Jeff Hartline today.

Finucane, a Nashville financial adviser touted last year by the Tennessee Republican Party as a possible challenger to long-time incumbent U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper, said today that after meeting all of the candidates for the Republican nomination, he believes Jeff Hartline is the right candidate and can win the seat.

“After campaigning as a candidate for the 5th district Congressional seat, where I got to meet all the candidates, I can say there are many good people that stepped up to run against Jim Cooper - however, it is clear to me that Jeff Hartline is the candidate I will be supporting,” Finucane said. “Jeff is knowledgeable, articulate, and passionate about many of the issues that are important to the majority of the people in this district. I also believe he can win."

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