Monday, May 03, 2010

Hartline Statement on Nashville Flood Disaster

NASHVILLE – The historic and terrible flooding affecting Nashville and many surrounding communities is a tragedy for thousands of people - and an opportunity for hundreds of thousands of Nashvillians, congressional candidate Jeff Hartline said today.

"Most everyone in Nashville has either been hurt by the disaster or will know someone - a relative, a friend, a co-worker or colleague - who has been directly impacted by the flood," Hartline said. "We have been given an awesome opportunity for public service of the personal kind - service to our fellow man.

"Insurance policies call natural disasters 'Acts of God,' but the real acts of God in the days ahead will be the countless acts of generosity and service, of people helping people with the immense work of recovery from the flood and to rebuild their homes, their businesses and their lives," Hartline said. "I look forward to doing my part."

Hartline for Congress urges you to volunteer via Hands on Nashville ( or through a local church or non-profit, and to contribute financially via the American Red Cross or other trustworthy organizations - or directly to someone you know who needs your help."

Learn more about Jeff by visiting his campaign website,, and his blog,

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