Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Record Fund-raising in Fifth Congressional District

NASHVILLE – Congressional candidate Jeff Hartline of Mount Juliet is raising record contributions for his campaign to unseat incumbent Congressman Jim Cooper. First-quarter financial disclosures filed with the Federal Election Commission show that, of the several candidates for the Fifth District Republican nomination, only Hartline raised significant sums of money from individual contributors.

Hartline raised almost $45,000 during the first quarter - more than any Republican has ever raised to run against Cooper in the 5th district - with all of his contributions coming from individual donors. None came from political action committees and none came from Hartline’s personal funds. Hartline is the only candidate for the Republican nomination who raised a significant amount of money from individual donors.

Since the end of March, the Hartline for Congress campaign has added a new finance chairman, Andy Miller, and has seen a surge in contributions and commitments that will push the campaign's financing well into six figures by the end of the second quarter.

I’m running to represent the people of the Fifth district, not the party bosses and Beltway groups interested in perpetuating a spoils system,” Hartline said. “I’m running because the people of the Fifth deserve a congressman who will stand up for their economic and civil liberties, not sell their birthright of freedom and bankrupt the nation.”

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