
Late last night, I wrote you from Bill Halter's victory celebration in Arkansas, after his amazing finish in the Democratic primary. He held Senator Blanche Lincoln, one of the worst corporate Democrats in Congress, under 45% among Democratic voters, and forced a runoff election in three weeks.

Halter's campaign team has gathered in Little Rock today to decide on their plan for the runoff. After being outspent more than two-to-one by Sen. Lincoln, their funds are nearly exhausted. They're trying to figure out what they can afford and whether the MoveOn members who helped him do so well last night will come through again.

His campaign urgently needs more support. We've already received 6 donations from Nashville, and it'll only take 9 more to reach our goal of $200,000 in emergency funds today—can you chip in $5?

For more, see my email from last night below.

–Michael and the rest of the team


I'm in Little Rock at Bill Halter's election-night celebration, and the energy here is truly incredible. Bill just told the crowd: "Today we put the special interests and political insiders on the ropes, and in three weeks we're going to knock them out."

Halter's supporters are ecstatic because he just handed a huge defeat to Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln. Despite being outspent by more than two-to-one, Halter kept Lincoln below 45% of the vote—and now both candidates are headed into a runoff election.

Make no mistake, this is big news. For the first time, voters have shown that Democrats who side with corporate interests to block President Obama's agenda will suffer for it at the ballot box.

But even as we're celebrating, it's time to double down. Because Sen. Lincoln is a favorite of big corporations, she still has millions in the bank—and she'll spend all of it smearing Bill Halter.

The runoff is in just three weeks, and Halter's staff just told me that they urgently need more funds to continue the campaign.

Can you help us raise $200,000 in emergency funds for Bill Halter? That'll take 15 donations from Nashville. Chip in $5 here:

And on behalf of everyone here in Arkansas, thanks for all you do.

–Michael and the rest of the team

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.